OK, I made it through my Italian tango class! Listening to really fast Italian is like the first 10 minutes of a Shakespeare play: you just have to let go of your normal hearing processing. And getting back into tango was fun! Especially the move where you have to draw your foot up the outside of the man’s leg before doing a cute little kick and then crossing in front of him. Ooo la la!
Here’s the unassuming entrance to this hothouse of dance. And my magical shoes!
One tip I love to give fellow travelin’ entrepreneurs is to check out local classes. Why not take a tango, pottery, art, or jewelry-making class? You never know what you may learn – and what experiences you can draw from for your newsletter, business programs or engagement with clients. If nothing else, you’ll have a fun little story to share in your next blog post.
I’d love to hear some of your stories!